Penetration Testing Services
In the realm of security, as in many aspects of life, recognizing one's own vulnerabilities can be the most challenging task. Luckily, identifying and meticulously documenting your security shortcomings is where we excel – in fact, it's essential to our role. Gaining an understanding of your vulnerabilities and how potential attackers might exploit them offers invaluable insights for enhancing your security measures. With this objective, the PKF Antares Penetration Testing Services team conducts simulations of real-world attacks on your networks, applications, devices, and personnel. This exercise aims to assess the robustness of your critical systems and infrastructure, providing a clear path to fortification. Similar to the well-intentioned nudges from a parent, our spotlight on your security gaps isn't meant to cause discomfort but to show our commitment your safety and improvement.
Beyond Just Security Experts
To effectively counter attackers, adopting their mindset and tactics is crucial. This is why we go beyond the norm of hiring individuals with just a background in IT or recent graduates for penetration testing roles. We seek out individuals with deep knowledge of the darker aspects of technology—experts in areas like ATM hacking, exploitation of multifunction printers, bypassing keyless entry systems in vehicles, circumventing endpoint protection, RFID cloning, and disabling security alarm systems, to name a few. These professionals are not just security experts; they are authentic hackers.
Our team is dedicated to staying ahead of attackers, dedicating 25% of their time to research, contributing to the security community through publishing articles, speaking at conferences, developing open-source testing tools, and creating popular Metasploit modules. Owning Metasploit gives our penetration testers unmatched access to the world's most utilized penetration testing framework.
Identifying, Prioritizing, and Remediating Security Issues
While typical penetration tests might leave you with a daunting list of issues without much guidance on resolution or prioritization, PKF Antares delivers a structured approach. We provide a prioritized list of vulnerabilities, ranked based on their exploitability and potential impact, following an industry-standard evaluation method.
Expect comprehensive details and proof of concept for each identified issue, accompanied by a practical remediation plan. Recognizing that risk severity isn't the sole consideration in prioritizing fixes, we also offer insights into the effort required for remediation. Additionally, our reports include:
- Narrative attack storyboards detailing complex attack chains,
- Scorecards benchmarking your security practices against attacker perspectives,
- Highlights of effective security controls already in place in your environment.
Achieving Compliance Through Robust Security
At PKF Antares, we believe robust security naturally leads to compliance. Our focus—from our investment in Metasploit to the development of innovative attacker analytics products—is on deepening your understanding of attackers and bolstering your defenses against them. Our penetration testing services are customized for each client's unique network and challenges, employing tailored methods and attack vectors. We also regularly test our network and products to ensure they remain effective against real-world threats.

Penetration Testing Services Overview
External Infrastructure Testing
This testing focuses on the components of your network that are accessible from the internet, such as web servers, domain name servers, email servers, VPN gateways, perimeter firewalls, and routers. These elements are often primary targets for attacks by both human hackers and automated threats like worms. It's crucial for businesses to protect themselves from these threats while still meeting the demands of customers and other modern business requirements.
Internal Infrastructure Testing
Organizations must be vigilant about internal threats, which, regrettably, can be as significant as external ones. The threat landscape within a company's own walls, from malware like viruses and worms to the actions of disgruntled employees, often poses a greater risk than external threats. With networks becoming increasingly complex and multi-layered, internal vulnerabilities can range from accidental mishaps to deliberate acts of corporate espionage.
(Web) Application Testing
In the era of Web 2.0, with a surge in applications moving online, these platforms have become hot targets for malicious actors. Our testers, proficient in various programming languages and web technologies, are adept at identifying vulnerabilities in both web-based and standalone applications. This includes testing database connections, dynamic forms, user sessions, and the management of authentication and authorization.
Automated Vulnerability Assessments
We conduct regular, automated vulnerability assessments to provide a detailed analysis of your external or internal infrastructure's security posture. At PKF Antares, we ensure that all reports undergo a thorough review by our experts, guaranteeing precise and reliable assessments.
Other Types of Testing
The pressure on application developers to deliver feature-rich, fast, and functional products within tight deadlines is immense. However, the complexity that often comes with such products can compromise their security. At PKF Antares, we evaluate the security of the products you develop, identifying vulnerabilities in applications and appliances before they reach the market or become public knowledge. Our security acceptance testing is conducted prior to product releases, and we assist in integrating security measures throughout the development lifecycle.
PKF Antares Assessments empower vendors to take charge of software security by:
- Reducing the costs and delays associated with security updates.
- Establishing control over how vulnerabilities are discovered and addressed.
- Turning software security from a potential risk into a market differentiator.